Christmas and winter holidays make us here at Taste of Florida think of warm fires, nice warm slippers, spending time with family, and sipping delicious drinks. While many people love eggnog, we realize it’s not for everyone so this year, enjoy something different. Spiced apples and cranberry flavor really bring home that winter holiday feeling.
As family members gather, it’s a good time to relax. If your family is particularly close, you can sit back and enjoy the season knowing you’re surrounded by loved ones and if your family isn’t all that close, it’s a perfect time to relax and let bygones be bygones. Mixing a new drink that everyone is bound to enjoy and is something a little more exciting than seasonal eggnog or mulled wine can really bring people together.
We recommend a Spiced Apple Margarita this holiday season. We enjoy the following recipe, but if you have other suggestions for how to make this drink even better, feel free to tell us about it.
- 3 oz. Taste of Floride Margarita mix
- 1 oz. Taste of Florida Green Apple
- 1 oz. cranberry juice
- 2 oz. Spiced Rum
Mix all the ingredients in a shaker and serve in a cocktail glass. Some people prefer a salt rim, but we find this drink works with either a salt or sugar rimmed glass. Add a dash of cinnamon and a garnish of a lime for that extra touch.
For more holiday drink ideas, we encourage you to contact us. We might be able to give you a few new ideas and we’d absolutely love to hear about yours.